welcome to the official erinlean carrd!

about the flag and term:
"erinlean" was created on august 29th, 2021 by twitter user @fandomtingz_ as a term to represent all black mlm/nblm, along with this flag!
the brown stripes at the top represent different aspects that come with being black, the dark pink/red stripes at the bottom represents different aspects that come with being mlm/nblm, and the beige stripe in the middle represents the intersectionality that comes with being both black and mlm/nblm!
the term “erinlean” comes from the word “erinle”, which is the name of an yoruba orisha. he is the deity of health and medicine, and is also seen as the patron of homosexual and transgender people!
commonly asked questions:
how do you pronounce “erinlean”?
if I’m mixed/biracial can i use the flag & call myself erinlean?
as long as you are 1: mlm/nblm ofc, 2: mixed with black and 3: black passing, then yes you can!
is there a twibbon for this flag?
yes there is! it can be found here!
can I use the flag & call myself erinlean if I am a black mlm/nblm but my attraction isn't exclusively mlm/nblm (bi, pan, etc.)?
absolutely! all black mlm/nblm can identify as erinlean and use this flag, even if they also experience mlw/nblw attraction!
am I allowed to follow @erinleannation if I'm not erinlean?
non-erinleans (including non-black mlm & non-mlm black people) are free to interact with this account’s posts (like & rt, tag erinleans under posts, etc.), but if you are a non-erinlean then please do not follow! if you do then you will be soft blocked!
isn’t this flag a recolor of another flag?
nope! this flag is not a recolor or a copy of any other pride flag! it is an original flag made by a black nblm!
if you have any more questions that weren’t answered in this carrd feel free to ask them by dming @erinleannation on twitter or send in your question through curiouscat!
color & layout origins:
when I finally decided to create my own black mlm flag, I naturally looked for other black mlm flags for inspiration. at the time I looked I was only able to find two. the first being a black mlm flag made by twitter user @afroakagi (first image) and the second being the pantherian flag made by twitter user @VENUSGL0RY (second image).
I liked both of these flags for different reasons. I liked how the first flag had brown stripes at the top and different colored stripes at the bottom. and I liked how the second flag had 7 stripes with a light stripe in the middle. I wanted to incorporate both of those elements into the flag I made, so I came up with a general idea to combine them: a flag with 7 stripes, 3 brown shades a the top, 3 shades of a different color at the bottom, and a light color shade in the middle to unify them.
once I had my idea set, I went to google to find some color palettes to use. after looking though a few different ones I eventually settled on this color palette for the brown stripes at the top (first image) & this one to use for the beige stripe in the middle (second image).
for the bottom stripes I originally chose different shades of pink, since it’s my favorite color, and used this color palette for them (image 1), but I didn’t really like the way it looked (image 2), so I decided to try a darker pink-red palette for the stripes instead (image 3).
once I put them together, I loved the way it looked & decided that it would be the final product: the erinlean flag!

welcome to the erinlean nation! an account dedicated to spreading erinlean positivity!

how to request:
you can make two types of requests:
“erinlean who [insert character trait here]”
“[insert fictional character here] is erinlean!”
If you request a character that you just hc as black/isn’t canonically black, please include a black edit of them in your submission (either one you did yourself or one that you got permission from the creator to share)!
requests will always be accepted either by dm or by curiouscat!

dni if you:
fit basic dni criteria (racist/colorist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, spread/support any kind of bigotry, etc.)
are against neopronouns and/or xenogenders
are a nsfw account
are a flag discourse starter
compare the erinlean flag to any other pride flag
if you fit any of the dni criteria and interact with this account in any way (especially just to spew negativity), you will be hard blocked!